"I just forgot" - a guest blog by Hannah Rundle

Hannah Rundle is a Developmental Registered Manager at two of Green Light's homes in Newquay.

Lockdown.  If I'm honest, I don't like the term. Not in a petulant way.  Just in a there's-a-better-way-to-sum-it-up kind of way.  

I digress, already. The best place in a story is always the beginning, so I'm told.  So here we go. My Greenlight journey started over two years ago.  (Yes, sorry this may go on!  - I clearly like the sound of my own voice, ha ha!)  I started as a waking night for a company that obviously likes to be seen on social media, posts cropping up on my wall all the time!  I won't lie, I secretly wondered if they ‘walked the walk’ too.  Only one way to find out. 

I started my journey at Bigwig.  I loved this team so much I picked up day shifts on top of my nights, because I felt I was missing out on so much that this incredible team supported the guys there to do.  No joke - inspiring. 

A senior support worker role became available and here was my chance.  I applied.  The company believed in me enough to give me the chance, so I progressed in more ways than I thought possible. 

That was a year and a half ago.  I am now a Developmental Registered Manager (whoop!) The company created a role for existing Deputy Managers to have an opportunity to be mentored and supported to gain experience in what could be perceived as a bloomin` scary  step; to the Registered Manager role.  

So here I am in a new role with a nice plan to receive support from our operational team, HR manager and an existing manager.  What an opportunity.  How exciting? I have never been so well supported and invested in before. Then mother nature decided to tell the world she is unhappy with us!  

So my big new role is overseeing a team, vulnerable adults that depend on us, and a team with their own worries and concerns.  A steep learning curve for sure. The first week or two I won't lie, I did need to have a wee chat with myself about my sanity levels and whether I am built for this role.

At that point I realised the depth of the support around me.  Whether it be “where on earth do we source antibacterial hand wash?” “Am I doing the best for the people we support?” “How far apart actually is two metres?”  “How do I stop my glasses steaming up under a face mask?” There was always someone there for me.  Always.  Green Light you rock.  I mean that from a very genuine place.

Then with contemplation, in this calm, still new world we have found ourselves forced into it dawned on me.  

I just forgot… 

  • I forgot how incredible the world is.  Enjoying just being in the moment. 

  • I forgot to stop and listen to every single one of my team.  To appreciate everything.  I mean everything. They really are my heroes.

  • I forgot just how incredible it is to sit or just simply walk in the sun with my dog.

  • I forgot to just be slow. Breathe and reflect.

  • I forgot to close my laptop and dance even more with the people we support.

  • I forgot to sit back and admire how incredible those around me are. 

  • I forgot to appreciate the importance of being invested in.  The loyalty this creates.

  • I forgot how much I love daisies, bluebells and the sounds of the birds.

Bones near our home enjoying a local walk

So  the term ‘lockdown’ just isn't fitting to me.  I’m not sure what is, if I'm honest.  But grateful most definitely should be amongst it.  

For anyone reading this.  They definitely walk the walk. 

Thanks for reading! 

Hannah Rundle

Development Registered Manager

Pendragon & Bigwig 
